5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that is an intermediate step in the conversion of tryptophan into the important brain serotonin. As a dietary supplement, 5-HTP is usually obtained from a natural source - the seeds of an African plant (Ghana Grain).
5-HTP is primarily used to increase serotonin levels in the brain. Low serotonin levels seem to be a common consequence of modern life, as a stressful lifestyle reduces the conversion of tryptophan to 5-HTP. Lower brain serotonin levels make people feel anxious, more emotional, hungry, carb-loving, and sleep less well. Obviously, a lot of people are affected right now. Fortunately, clinical studies have shown that 5-HTP may be effective in dealing with problems associated with low serotonin levels. In fact, according to these findings, 5-HTP is the preferred natural method
How does tryptophan compare to 5-HTP?
In short, using 5-HTP supplements produced better results than using tryptophan. Tryptophan must be converted to 5-HTP in the brain before it can be converted to serotonin. The conversion of tryptophan to 5-HTP is defined as the rate-limiting step in serotonin production. So, in short, if you're not converting tryptophan to 5-HTP, no amount of tryptophan will increase your brain serotonin levels.
Many people have trouble converting tryptophan to 5-HTP due to high levels of stress-related hormones such as cortisol, insulin resistance, poor blood sugar control, or insufficient levels of important nutrients such as vitamin B6 and magnesium. Also, a carrier must be available to get tryptophan into the brain. This carrier also transports other amino acids to the brain, so it's not very efficient. 5-HTP, on the other hand, can easily enter the brain without the need for a carrier. Only 3% of the oral dose of L-tryptophan was converted to serotonin, but more than 70% of the oral dose of 5-HTP was converted to serotonin. 3,4 5-HTP may also have other benefits by increasing feel-good endorphin levels.
In the 1970s, 5-HTP was compared to L-tryptophan in terms of optimizing mood and calming the mind. 5,6 5-HTP is far more effective than L-tryptophan. In fact, in most studies, L-tryptophan was only marginally better than a placebo. In one study, 74 subjects who matched clinical characteristics (eg, age, gender) and mood scores ingested 5-HTP (200 mg per day), L-tryptophan (5 grams per day), or a placebo. 7 At the beginning of the study and at the end of the 30-day trial, subjects were given a detailed emotional assessment using a standardized emotional scale questionnaire. The results of this study showed that 17 of the 26 subjects consuming 5-HTP had significantly improved mood, compared to only 10 of the 25 subjects consuming tryptophan and 23 subjects consuming a placebo. Only 4 of the study subjects showed significant improvement in mood.
Other studies have also shown that 5-HTP exerts a more promising effect on improving mood scores than placebo or other mood-optimizing compounds. 7 5-HTP is also more effective in promoting calmness and concentration.
How does 5-HTP help sleep?
5-HTP has also been shown to be more effective than tryptophan in promoting sleep. Serotonin has been shown to promote better nighttime sleep, and it is also an essential component of melatonin production. Several double-blind clinical trials have shown that 5-HTP may have good effects in helping to optimize and maintain sleep, whether in subjects who often sleep poorly or in subjects who sleep normally.
5-HTP supplements have been shown to potentially promote REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Dreaming is associated with REM sleep and is an important part of a healthy sleep cycle. 5-HTP may increase REM sleep by about 25%, while also increasing deep sleep levels (stages 3 and 4). It does not increase total sleep time by reducing "deep" sleep stages while increasing the amount of high-quality sleep. 10 In one study, REM sleep in participants who consumed 200 mg of 5-HTP increased by 15 minutes over the five nights of the study. That is, dreaming time increased by about 3 minutes each night.
5-HTP may aid sleep even when ingested during the day, but it is important to note that in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, 5-HTP supplementation during the day was associated with no more reports of sleepiness or fatigue than More than reported for ingestion of placebo. 8,9
How effective is 5-HTP in reducing carbohydrate cravings?
5-HTP may be of great help in reducing excess carbohydrate intake and supporting weight loss. More than 50 years ago, researchers have conducted experiments on mice genetically predisposed to obesity, showing that 5-HTP supplementation greatly reduced the mice's food intake and prevented excessive weight gain. Obesity in these mice was clinically diagnosed as a genetic cause of low levels of the enzyme that converts tryptophan to 5-HTP, resulting in low levels of serotonin in the brain. As a result, the mice were carb-addicted and didn't receive the message to stop eating until they ate far more food than the average mouse would eat.
There is some evidence that many people may have a similar predisposition to obesity due to genetic factors, including the same mechanism that reduces the amount of tryptophan converted to 5-HTP. Providing 5-HTP in a premade form may increase brain serotonin levels, which can further reduce carbohydrate intake and control appetite.
Four human clinical trials have shown that 5-HTP may be useful as a weight loss aid in overweight women. 11-14 These Italian studies suggest that 5-HTP may reduce calorie intake and promote satiety, although the women did not actually consciously lose weight or reduce calorie intake. The study showed that group members who consumed 5-HTP ate fewer calories from pasta and bread. As a result, weight loss averaged 1 to 1.5 pounds per week over the 5 to 6 weeks in which these studies were conducted. Consider how effective 5-HTP would be if a person were taking 5-HTP in conjunction with a meal and exercise program.
What is the best way to consume 5-HTP?
5-HTP may cause stomach irritation and nausea, so for best results, use enteric-coated capsules or tablets. These pills are made in such a way that they do not dissolve in the stomach. Chewable tablets containing 5-HTP are another way to avoid nausea. When 5-HTP is used for purposes other than a nighttime sleep aid, the initial dose is 50 mg three times a day. If the response is not evident after two weeks, the dose can be increased to 100 mg three times a day.
When 5-HTP is used to promote sleep at night, the usual dose is 50 to 150 mg taken half an hour before bedtime. It is appropriate to start with a 50 mg dose and increase the dose after taking it for three consecutive days. 5-HTP can be taken with food, but if it is for weight loss, take it 20 minutes before a meal.
Are there any contraindications to 5-HTP?
5-HTP is generally well tolerated. In many cases, 5-HTP should not be used:
pregnancy or breastfeeding
Suffering from Parkinson's disease, unless the patient is also taking Sinemet® (carbidopa and levodopa).
Suffering from scleroderma (related to a disorder of tryptophan metabolism).
The patient was taking dimethylergometrine and cyproheptadine.
If you are taking any other medicines prescribed by your doctor, ask your doctor or pharmacist about any possible interactions with 5-HTP.
Is it safe to use 5-HTP for a long time?
5-HTP can be used long-term because some people with a genetic defect in the conversion of tryptophan to 5-HTP need to take these supplements for life. Some experts recommend regular (yearly) eosinophil testing if 5-HTP is used long-term. This test is part of a standard laboratory blood test (called a total blood count) that helps screen for any abnormal reaction to 5-HTP.
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